"I believe that if we claim to allow equal access to educational opportunity to all children in our schools then we must" (Purcell-Gates 2002)
This is completely true. We pride ourselves on the fact that we are an equal society. Everyone should have the same benefits and no one should be an outcast. Yet we fail to realize that no matter what goes on, someone is an outcast. Not everyone gets treated equal . The phrase "Practice what you Preach" comes to mind. We say that this should be done and that should be done, but in turn, we don't to it. Our society is a very contradictory society. The education system, I feel, reflects our major system as a whole. And in order to fix ourselves, we need to learn to work together to fix our educational culture. This includes listening to all parents and making sure each child is treated equally.
Related Resource:
I found this at this link.
This is a great example of unity and how we are supposed to be "...one nation..."
Purcell-Gates, Victoria. (n.d.). "..as soon as she opened her mouth!".. Retrieved from https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B6DFAmexYq7vMGQxMjI1OTEtMjAyZS00NzJmLTg1OTUtODlmMGQ0ZDIxOTVk&hl=en_US
I'm glad you are committed to providing equal opportunity to all your students! You certainly have a non judgmental disposition which will help you accomplish that!