Search The Web

Monday, October 25, 2010


This week's assignment was to create a powerpoint and upload it to SlideShare.  This is just a website that can help publish powerpoints online.  I decided to do my slideshow on Car buying.  I focused on some things to consider and included some facts about cars like gas mileage and cost and features.
Articles that I used were as follows:

Using these I was able to get the information I felt I needed.  Also the instructor provided some online resources to help create an effective powerpoint.  One was Presentation Zen.  This helped me see some example of boring powerpoints and what I needed to do to spice mine up.
We then uploaded our presentation.  It can be viewed by clicking here
The outcomes for this assignment were "Student can create, download, upload, and archive a graphic image.Students will be able to publish presentations in a variety of formats. Students will be able to select appropriate digital formats for publishing."
This assignment fits with teaching standard 4a: ~advocate, model, and teach safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology, including respect for copyright, intellectual property, and the appropriate documentation of sources~
Creating and publishing a powerpoint can allow students to share information legally while citing references and using technology to do so.

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