Search The Web

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Today in class we created a survey.  We used  google docs to do so.  This site offers many different types of questions like multiple choice, short essay, ranking, and some others.  We then sent the form to others to fill out.  It is pretty neat.  You can take the survey by clicking here. MY SURVEY
This tool can be used by a teacher to inquire general information from students like age, schedule for semester, and how they learn.  It can also be used to administer homework or test.
After completing the survey, we then responded to each others and answered each others questions.  It is neat how you can also see the results of your survey competed by others.

Below is a link to the spreadsheet with the results.

This fits with teaching standard 5D
"contribute to the effectiveness, vitality, and self-renewal of the teaching profession and of their school and community"
A school can gather information through a community by a virtual survey.  This can be effective by helping a school realize any changes that need made in curriculum, activities, or other parts of the school system. 

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