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Thursday, January 27, 2011


When I was in the elementary school, something my school did was a thing called Bandit Bucks.  What it was if a student did something pleasing to the teachers, they received this Bandit Dollar.  Then during lunch time, the student could exchange it for maybe a candy bar or pencils or just something cool to the kids.  It seemed to work for the most part, but the only thing it didn't work with was punishing.  Bad students didn't receive any bandit bucks, but to them that was no big deal.  I can't remember what the punishment was because I never got punished. 
Some things the students were rewarded for were turning in homework on time, or helping out another student or teacher, or also scoring well on a test.  I like the idea of rewarding students and I think it cam be promising, but as I mentioned above, teachers still need to find a way of discipline.  I feel whatever effort you put in rewarding, it takes twice as much effort to punish.

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