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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Types of Storage

Our assignment was to illustrate the different types of storage devices out there.  Here is a link to the types I came up with
Also here is the image itself.

Though there are many types of storage each has both good and bad qualities.  With virtual like e-mail and jing, you are able to access it anywhere, but you have to have internet access.  With the physical storage, you can carry it around with you like a cd or thumb drive, but you risk losing the device.  That's why it is nice to save in more than one place to have a back up.  The drawing tool I used was Microsoft Powerpoint.  It is pretty neat because you can oragnize and arrange in any way you want.  I used the table tool to create a table of both storage types. 
The teaching standard this assignment satisfies can be 1C. 
This can allow the student to creatively think of ways to save work.  A student can play with the different ways to save an assignment to allow him or her adapt to the world of technology.  The student can also upload assignments and send them to the teacher to avoid losing a physical copy. 
Knowing the different ways to save work on a physical or virtual space can help preven assignment loss and allow the student to gain a better understanding of technology.

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