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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Journal #8

Why is it a mistake to group all English as Second Learners together? Give three reasons and examples from the reading in a blog posting.  One is the cooperation among the students.  The example is how Bianca "didn't remember" how to say something in spanish.  This caused Rosa to fall behind.  Another reason is because it sets the students apart and secludes them from other English-Speaking students.  Bianca's mom wanting Bianca to "fit in" emphasizes the need and want of children who aren't "normal".  One final error this can cause is the teacher does not know the different cultural backgrounds of the "English as Second Learners".  The article supplies two different locations that provide spanish speaking students. (Texas and Honduras).  This can cause communication errors and may lead to more separation of the foreign students. 

What is a virtual backpack and how does it relate to Funds of Knowledge?
Virtual backpacks are full of things that students have already learned.  This can be things at home, with friends, and from the world they live in.  Students bring with them skills, values, and assumptions.  This relates to "Funds of Knowledge" because it incorporates what Moll was talking about.  This includes the idea of bringing what the child knows and incorporating it into the lesson or classroom.   

Find a resource related to teaching English as a Second language? Here is a site to a program that teaches english as a foreign/second language.

1 comment:

  1. Good explanation of how Virtual Backpack and funds of knowledge are related!
